Homie Soup @ Hairy Gourd - 家常汤水之章鱼节瓜汤

This is an easy soup (and yet not time consuming) to prepare - Hairy Gourd Soup!

I always use double-boiler for boiling soup, as double-boiler will ensure no loss of liquid or moisture (its essences) from the food or being over-cooked. Traditionally, most of the people will only double-boiling to prepare delicate food - bird nest, or expensive ingredient like Chinese herbs.

Nowadays, I used slow cooker for boiling normal/home soup and used double-boiler (紫砂煲) for herbal soup as my double-boiler is too small to prepare a 4-servings soup. My two angels are in love with soup, they will ask "mommy, why today you did not boil soup?" hahaha, looks like no more time off for the soup pot ;-) Please feel free to let me know if there is a bigger double-boiler out there.. thank you in advance ^^

This soup contains Southern-Northern Chinese Almonds a.k.a Sweet and Bitter Chinese Almonds (see picture below). They are actually not almonds but they are apricot seeds. Southern Chinese Almonds are with sweet taste, whereas Northern Chinese Almond are with bitter taste and can be toxic if consumed raw in large amount. Chinese Almonds are prescribed by Chinese medicine practitioners primarily for respiratory issues.

Recipe as follows:

Hairy Gourd with Dried Octopus Soup 章鱼节瓜汤

Recipe by Adapted from Soup of the day by Famouse Cuisine Publising - 名食谱之头啖汤
  • 600 grams Hairy Gourd, remove skin and cut into chunk 节瓜
  • 300 grams Pork Bones 猪尾骨 - I used 1 piece of Chicken Breast
  • 50 grams Preserved Chinese Turnips, clean and soak for 10 minutes 大头菜
  • 20 grams Southen-Northen Chinese Almond, rinse briefly 南北杏, 略冲洗
  • 80 grams Dried Octopus 章鱼干 - 可用鱿鱼干又名吊片 - It can be substitute with Dried Cuttlefish
  • 6-8 pieces Red Dates, seedless
  • 1 litre Water 清水
  • A pinch of Salt 少许盐
  • Some Pepper and Soy Sauce to taste 胡椒粉和生抽调味
Cooking Directions
  1. Soak the dried cuttlefish for 1 hour until soften, remove and rinse. Set aside. 章鱼干用清水浸泡1小时至微软,取出洗净,备用。
  2. Rinse the meat and blanch into boiling water (par-boiling). Remove, rinse under running water, drain well. Set aside. 猪尾骨(或其他肉类)洗净后以沸水汆烫过,捞起,用清水冲洗干净,沥干水份。
  3. Add water into soup pot (I used slow cooker - refer note), put all ingredients into pot and let it boil at high heat for 2 hours. Then turn to low heat to continue boiling for another 1 hour. 清水入汤煲(可用电子砂煲-参考注),加入全部材料。用高温熬煮两小时,再改用慢火熬煮1小时。
  4. Add seasoning to taste. 最后加入调味料,即可。

- 如使用煤气炉,将清水入汤煲煮沸,加入全部材料除了节瓜。待再次煮沸,改用慢火熬煮1小时。
- Can be cooked at stove, put all ingredient EXCEPT Hairy Gourd into boiling water. Let the soup reaches boiling stage then turn to low heat continue to cook for 1 hour. After an hour, add in Hairy Gourd and continue boiling for another 1 hour. Lastly, blend in seasoning, mix well.

Smooth urinary bladder, reduce swelling, drinking regularly can prevent colds
Happy Soup Boiling ^^


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