三彩寿司米炒饭 - Tricolor Fried Sushi Rice








Tricolor Fried Sushi Rice

Recipe by ~ Ting
  • 1 pound (about 18 stalks) thick Asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1/2'' pieces
  • 2 small bell peppers, preferably 1 red and 1 yellow, cored, seeded and cut into pieces
  • 3 Eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 packet White Beech Mushroom (Bunapi Shimeji Mushroom), ends trimmed
  • 4 slices Ham, cut into pieces
  • 1 cup uncooked Sushi Rice*
  • 2 tablespoons Vegetable Oil

Seasoning1 tablespoon Oyster Sauce1 teaspoon Fish Sauce (optional)Soy Sauce to tasteA dash of Sea Salt

1. Cook sushi rice in advance to use later.

2. Get ready chopped asparagus, bell peppers and white beech mushroom in a bowl to use ready. Also, have the cooked sushi rice ready in a separate bowl.
3. Heat up a wok with a tablespoon of vegetable oil, add in the beaten eggs and fry until set. Set aside.
4. Using the same wok with oil, cook diced ham until cooked. Set aside.
5. Add in a bit of oil, stir fry bell peppers and white beech mushroom for a short while. Add in asparagus, stir fry for a minute. Season with salt and black pepper, continue stir fry for another minute or until cooked.
6. Add in sushi rice and stir fry until well mixed. Add in oyster sauce, soy sauce, fish sauce and continue to fry for a few minutes.
7. Lastly, add in the earlier cooked eggs and ham and a quick stir until well mixed. Dish out and serve hot.  (It's okay to add a bit of oil)


1 把(约18 根) -------- 芦笋, 切成丁
2 小个 ----------------- 彩椒 (1 红,1黄), 切成丁
3 粒 -------------------- 鸡蛋,打散
1包 -------------------- 白玉菇, 切去根部
4片 -------------------- 火腿
1 杯 ------------------- 寿司米饭*
1.5大匙 ---------------- 油

1大匙 -------- 蚝油
1 小匙 ------- 鱼露 (可以不用)
少许 ---------- 酱油
少许 ---------- 黑胡椒

适量 ---------- 海盐

1. 预早把寿司米煮好,备用。
2. 芦笋的硬根切掉,用削皮器去掉根部外皮后,冲洗干净后切成丁,待用。 
3. 彩椒,火腿片切小丁和将洗净白玉菇掰开,待用。
4. 炒锅放1 大匙油烧热,倒入打散的鸡蛋,炒熟盛出待用。
5. 放入火腿丁煸炒半分钟锅左右熟透后盛出待用。不用再加油)
6. 锅里放少许油,下入彩椒丁和白玉菇略微翻炒一下再加入芦笋丁一起翻炒约2分钟熟透并稍加些盐、黑胡椒调味。 
7. 最后放入寿司米饭,炒散后才加入炒好的鸡蛋和火腿丁小火一起翻炒,再加其余的调味料翻炒均匀后出锅即可。(可加少许油,也可不加)
1. 白玉菇可用真姬菇代替- White Beech Mushroom can be substituted by Brown Beech Mushroom (Buna Shimeji)
2. 寿司米饭的份量是1杯的寿司米与1杯水煮熟 - 1 cup Sushi rice cooked with 1 cup water
3. 寿司饭可在前一天煮好,待冷却后放入密封盒装好再冷藏 - If cook sushi rice one day before using, keep it in an airtight container and refrigerated. 
4. 火腿片可以用餐肉代替 - Ham can be substituted by luncheon meat

祝烹饪愉快 ^^


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